Back again? Knew you couldn’t resist the T, honey.

Fun fact of the week: Honeybees can fly up to 15 miles per hour, they’re the athletes of honey!

Today’s conversation of choice is generating an idea for your reci-bee book.

Inspiration can turn up in the unlikeliest of places, from a simple walk through a meadow to being chased down a rickety old bridge by a lion.

You may think: this meadow has a pungent smell, maybe I should make a cookbook book filled with stinky recipes to try out.

Or you could think: that lion looks hungry and I don’t want to be its next meal, maybe I should make a cookbook on ways to turn from a carnivore to a herbivore in a few easy steps…and quickly!

Now all the serious stuff is out of the way, let us tell you how we came up with our Holden Honey Hives Presents Our Family Guide to Cooking with Honey recipe book idea. Long title, we know, but it says what it is on the tin.

The idea for this came from a special date, our 20th anniversary of producing high-quality honey, with our signature flavours, for all the family to enjoy together. We realized that a way to promote the wellbeing of the bee population and our signature honey brand at the same time would be through a recipe book to celebrate this special date in our hives history.

To pun or not to pun, that was the true question.

Our idea was centred around promoting family-friendly-fun experiences that all ages, from young to old, would enjoy. We wanted to create a hive of activity for our loyal and new customers to delight in. Incorporating our signature flavours of honey into every recipe published in the cookbook provided an added incentive and drive for our readers to purchase our products so that they followed the reci-bees to the T.

That was our personal process of creating out a recipe book, and it was only an example, so please don’t feel forced into using our method as it may not be what buzzes your bee.

You do you.

We’re here to support you in your bumbling journey to success.

However, here at *Holden Honey Hives,* we do hope that you’ve found this useful in coming up with an idea for your recipe book.

We look forward to seeing you next week for: Honey, where’s my theme?

Until then, nighty night our beehive, don’t let the wind keep you down.